President/CEO & Director
MARK SCOTT "People make the difference, and I'm very proud of the team we've assembled at Sassy. Investors can take great comfort in knowing that we have the leadership, the vision, and the expertise among a diverse group of individuals who are extremely dedicated to the success of this company and the creation of shareholder wealth. They care deeply about the areas and communities we're operating in, the partnerships we have developed, and the environmental stewardship we are dedicated to."
Sassy Team | Management, Directors, and Technical Advisors
Mark Scott
Mark became Sassy’s founding CEO in January 2020 and quickly took the company public in August of that year. As Head of Manitoba Operations for Vale Canada through 2018, he managed an annual combined opex and capex budget of $500 million (U.S.) including a workforce of approximately 1,875. He has two decades of experience in all phases of surface and underground mining, metallurgical processing, and associated service and support functions, within multiple mining majors.
Sean McGrath, CPA, CGA
CFO & Corporate Secretary
Sean brings a wealth of public markets’ experience to the Sassy team, having spent more than 20 years providing financial management and consulting services to multiple companies primarily in the resource sector.
Ian Fraser, P.Geo.
An expert in geological models and structural settings, Ian has been directly involved in the discovery of six gold deposits in North and South America with three of those having gone into production.
Terry Coughlan, P.Geo.
Independent Director
The founding CEO of producer GoGold Resources, Terry has a nearly 40-year record of success in mineral exploration, operations and corporate development. Notably, each of the last three public companies with which he’s been involved have developed a producing mine.
Kate McLaughlin, P.Eng.
Independent Director
Kate is a highly sought-after independent consultant with 25 years of technical, operations and leadership experience with Noranda, Falconbridge, Xstrata and Stantec.
Dr. Peter Lightfoot
Eskay Rift Expert
Dr. Lightfoot is an ore body specialist who’s also recognized as one of the world’s foremost nickel sulphide experts. His unique insights into the Eskay Camp in recent years have contributed to important new discoveries in this prolific mineral district.
Mike Middleton
Eskay Camp Gold Hunter
Mike, who owns Middleton Geoscience, is an accomplished Eskay Camp “gold hunter” with more than three decades of industry experience. Sassy has benefited tremendously from his deep knowledge of the Foremore Property.
Ronacher McKenzie Geoscience
Ronacher McKenzie Geoscience provides Sassy with industry leading expertise in data integration, analysis and interpretation, geophysical interpretation, and machine learning.