Foremore Project | Westmore Discovery
Westmore has been one of the quickest grassroots drilling discoveries in recent memory in the Eskay Camp. From being an unknown target as late as 2019, Sassy Gold’s exploration team took Westmore to the drill stage in 2020 after just a few months of very successful field work that returned an abundance of well-mineralized surface samples.
Receding ice and snow had lifted the “cover” at Westmore, exposing veins for the first time in an area of Foremore that had received little or no historical exploration.

Sassy’s initial 2019 surface discovery, returning 15.3 g/t Au to 125.5 g/t Au, and 203 g/t Ag to 1,900 g/t Ag, resulted from a series of six chip and grab samples evenly spaced over 61 meters along an 80-meter exposed quartz vein near the top of Westmore on the northern side (refer to Sept. 4, 2020, news release).
In 2020 prospectors and geologists noted that vein density increased significantly in a southeasterly direction up to 400 meters from the initial discovery, and remained open in multiple directions with visible gold increasingly observed in surface samples.
36 Holes Now Drilled
Within two years, by the end of the 2022 drilling season, Sassy completed 36 drill holes at Westmore with the discovery still open for expansion in multiple directions. Approximately 8,000 meters of total drilling to date has revealed a structurally controlled gold-rich system with multiple vein structures highlighted by the 4Amigos Vein. This vein has a strike length >150 meters and remains open for expansion to depth and along strike to the west and in particular along strike and downslope to the east toward the glacier.
Eighteen of 19 drill holes in the 2022 program intersected mineralization at Westmore, the highest percentage of hits since Westmore drilling began in 2020.

Drill hole WM22-033 resulted in the discovery of a new vein 20 metres north of 4Amigos, highlighted by 74.6 grams per tonne gold over 0.35 metre, starting just 27.65 metres downhole, with numerous flecks of VG (visible gold) noted.
One of the last drill holes of the 2022 campaign (WM22-035) cut three separate mineralized intervals, including two at depth with grades as high as 5.82 g/t Au in quartz veining, to confirm that gold mineralization occurs at the Westmore intrusive over approximately 470 meters in the vertical direction.
“We’re clearly in the right neighborhood at Westmore with very promising results at this early stage. The exciting challenge for our team is to find an even richer, thicker part of this mineralized system.
“The Eskay Camp is one of the best addresses in the world for high-grade gold discoveries. It’s a district where it pays to think big, where upside surprises are known to occur given the incredible metal endowment of this region. Potential leverage for our shareholders is enormous given how such a high percentage of Eskay Camp juniors have exploded from our market cap level to $500 million or more in the last five years on important new discoveries.”
- Sassy CEO, Mark Scott
4Amigos 2020-2021 Highlight Drill Intersections
- 55.2 g/t Au and 32.3 g/t Ag over 0.8 m within 1.5 m @ 26.6 g/t Au and 15.7 g/t Ag (WM21-014)
- 86.4 g/t Au and 41.6 g/t Ag over 0.7 m within 1.4 m @ 43.2 g/t Au and 20.8 g/t Ag (WM21-015)
- 26.3 g/t Au and 17.0 g/t Ag over 0.7 m within 2.2 m @ 8.4 g/t Au and 6.25 g/t Ag (WM21-016)
- 20.2 g/t Au and 19.3 g/t Ag over 0.8 m within 1.6 m @ 10.2 g/t Au and 9.8 g/t Ag (WM21-017)
- 14.2 g/t Au and 22.6 g/t Ag over 0.9 m within 2.3 m @ 5.6 g/t Au and 9.1 g/t Ag (WM20-002)
The abundance of mineralized veins with pockets of high-grade combined with critical pathfinder elements in drill core (consistent with features recognized on surface) and thick zones of quartz stockworks in drill core suggest the potential for a large orogenic style gold deposit at Westmore.
(core lengths, true widths unknown)
Large Surface Footprint, Widespread Mineralization
Multiple vein structures have been identified at Westmore covering the granodiorite intrusive (1 km long, 1 km wide) and surrounding country rock. The intrusive’s depth extent remains unknown.
1,026 surface samples collected at Westmore by Sassy, mostly during 2020 and 2021, returned an average grade of 2.65 g/t Au. The top 50 samples averaged 43.16 g/t Au and 271.57 g/t Ag.
High-grade gold and associated silver mineralization is intimately associated with quartz vein hosted disseminated galena, with lesser amounts of disseminated sphalerite and chalcopyrite.

Title – Illustration of Visible Gold in Core – Diamond Drill Hole WM-21-01
Geochemically, the high-grade veins occurring in the intrusive and the encompassing mafic volcanic rock share a similar Au-Ag-Cd-Pb-Te-Zn signature.
It is now apparent that the quartz veins occur in individual quartz vein corridors. Within these corridors occur the dominant east-west striking veins, which are supplemented by veins that are oblique to the east-west strike.
As demonstrated by the 4Amigos vein corridor, gold grade distribution is erratic and nuggety, which is not uncommon in these types of vein systems.
The 2022 and 2021 drilling did intersect zones of significant quartz vein thickening, which are auriferous and geochemically anomalous.
The Right Age
Notably, a recently completed geochronology study puts the time of emplacement of the Westmore intrusive at 189.6 Ma, Early Jurassic. The timing of this magmatic event overlaps with the age of the Brucejack and Snip gold deposits.
The gold-bearing quartz veins from the Westmore discovery zone also contain galena that overlaps in composition with the field of Jurassic-aged galena from the Eskay Creek mine, and these veins crosscut the Westmore granodiorite.
4Amigos Plan View & Long Section of DDH Pierce Points Along Strike

Westmore Discovery Zone – Plan View (Partial) 2020-2021 Sampling & Drilling

The collar locations of drill holes WM-21-009 and WM21-010 occur just off the southeast corner of plan map.